Sunday, March 21, 2010

this is my loneliness.

the way the machines around you hover, the fan above, the lights by the side and television below. they make a noise too familiar yet they taunt you because they were the ones who shouldn't speak.

and the silence which speaks suddenly screams into your eyes. and then sits in your mind. forcing you to go back into that space happiest for you. into that moment where you felt that even when silence was great, because silence with you actually meant something.

but when you are given the chance to listen to your own heartbeat, you can only hear one.
and then you miss the other.
you miss the little sounds your ears pick up. the cough, the sniffle, the rustling of hair. the snicker. the little things.

my silence is a shout into my head, my mind. and a spear into my heart. it has robbed me of joy. and it has only offered me loneliness.

for at many times, there is none who can compare.


Ghost said...

i feel your pain.

Ghost said...

wish i could share this feeling with you.