Saturday, March 20, 2010

the tale of 4

i remember as the bus rolled in after those grueling few months.
it was finally time. it was here. it was now.

i remembered from across this hall. where eyes would find itself connected - in deep coy and play.
without the ability to extract words, these eyes were the only thing which could find its way to communicate.

and was it that you were lonely ? was it that you were smiling ?

i remembered those were the days. shy as it was. so innocent. so kept. so pure.

and now,
i remember. the day the bus pulled in and as i smiled at you on the way back.
you found that window seat which made the sun glaze upon that mirror frame.
you said we'd never cry. how i remembered i promised the same.

and i took that long great look at you and realised how possibly, i will never see you again.
and i broke that promise of those tears.

i didn't love you. but i was glad that you were there.
you returned to your lover. as i had to wait for mine for years.

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