Monday, February 8, 2010

sometimes, we often focus and wonder where our money goes to, yet forget where it comes from.

often times, we attempt to sow more to what we can reap.
and often times, we don't even put ourselves in the oxes yoke.

we are ungrateful, we do not think, we do not contemplate as much as we should.

we consume more than we can produce - we desire more than we seek.

we tend to forget that where all these minerals, called money, comes from.

i, to one, am to blame. i, to one, am just another victim, i, to one, will change.

* we often times forget the value of money, our spending, and our consumption rates in this day and age, we are a spoilt generation.

Spoilt for choice, spoilt for desire, spoilt with life.
And with the way the world is moving, it can only get worse.

sometimes, we often focus and wonder where our money goes to, yet forget where it comes from.

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