Friday, January 8, 2010

with a starbucks in my hand.

watching and waiting; i see people in suits and ties. walking and talking.
all a part of the system.

the more i'm stuck in traffic, the more i realise, this is not where i want to be.
i want leaves, walkways, paths, buses and trains. tickets in my hand; a cup of coffee in the other.

with my headphones on; travelling distances. making moves.
seeing trees change colours and feel winds i've never felt before.

i want some form of solitude, yet have you to come home to.
i want more than this, more than just traffic jams and work.

i am miserable. edging to thoughts of being depressed maybe.
i see people leave on jetplanes far too many times, while i watch through windows as they fly by.
i see them live.

driving, i see development around me. buildings, roads and flyovers. many flyovers.
thinking that we can soar through this way; no.
i have said too much.

to cap it all off:

we have so much around us, yet so little of ourselves today.
or maybe, that's just me.

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