Wednesday, June 30, 2010


as the galaxies change, you can change them with me.
just as the moon, stars and sun move, you will move with me.

and you will soon find, that nothing between this space between you and I have changed; besides the gap between us.
don't change, let the galaxies form as they wish.
but let yourself be free. with me

Monday, June 28, 2010

we are one - through connected rims and spaces
out of galaxies and stars.
in and out of hearts and faces.

be mine. until this eyes see no light

all the world's a stage.

one of the reasons why you chose to become an actor was the freedom to be whoever you liked to be; and not who you were meant to be.
to be given the ability to play someone not yourself.
and take him to new heights; make him a piece of you.

to escape the bullshit within yourself
and to make peace with your surrounding elements.

when you're on stage, you're trapped willingly in your own world.
and the rehearsals and practice in being that newborn character has found its birth.
the applause which carries after and the praises they bring are the welcoming of its death.

until you find rebirth in new characters again.
i'm so fucking tired of myself.

there are reasons to love.
for shelter, warmth, and desire.
out of all these, we must put ourselves aside.
and see these in each other.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

hang lose or die a goose

forget you need to sometimes the wonders and beauty of love.
to what you know and have been fed and have been taught and tendered.
for in its purity, you have to suffer for such.
to yearn for its power, you need to heed yourself to stand - either on it's deep end or on shallow waters.

and at its deep is where it is most strong

Saturday, June 26, 2010

there are parts of this world that they cannot see.
hence, they will never understand.
thus, they will always desire.

Friday, June 25, 2010

if i dared you to stare at the sun and have the possibility of going blind for it,
would you go blind with me ?

and if we danced on this ocean - although almost literally impossible,
would you sink deep with me ?

if we played music, and had to navigate between the sky,
would you embrace free falling with me ?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

before this ends up here

i prefer the sunlight only when it's dark.
it allows me to sink it in deep a little more than it normally should.
as it is with your skin on mine.

in between us

i need to find my way back to you.
and i'm still driving.

Monday, June 21, 2010

everything they ever told you about love is a lie; that's the truth.
it's evident in the way your heart aches and breaks - over and over again.
those movies, novels, pictures, and pre-conceived ideas have blinded you.

now. make your own movie.
your own beginning. and wait for the end
our inability to see makes us blind
as our unwillingness to understand makes us fools.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

you are your own

if you could listen to yourself speak and utter words that come from your lips and tongue,
you'd hear the worst of yourself.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

a child can do no wrong, speak no evil, harm no others, hate their fellow man and believe in bullshit.
unless directed so

dream with me

there is this path
to which we must walk
enter a castle
slay the dragon

and walk away
with the princess in hand

Friday, June 18, 2010

ocean waves ripple me.

then there were days you wish you stood alone.
without a care in the world. and just let these ocean waves carry you in and out whenever they wish.

i'll still be standing.
proud. confident. strong.

brand me

as perception becomes truth as it is lies,
you've already destroyed what it already was

Thursday, June 17, 2010


we were always made to believe in things before we even had a choice in wanting to believe.

that is structure enforced in the way of life.
there were so many great writers.
and too many poets.

but very few lovers.

the setting sun

the breaking point between us is the decision to reduce what we don't need.
from yours, mine, to ours.

it's like how you decide to reduce one letter and be a little less selfish,
yours could be ours.

if only you'd see.
26 alphabets.
that's all we've got to work with.
how about a sign ?
or something new ?
something more than a symbol. more than words.

it's gotta be more than this

shooting stars

if you find life falling hard on you,
turn to the sky.
you can make believe anything to be as stars.
but truly, it's a source of inspiration that you're not alone in your struggles.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

another confession to make

you were like a dream once.
i remembered. and then i dreamed about you again and again.
until you never stopped going away.
now you haunt me in my dreams and in my living.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

if you'd let me

i would very much like to climb through this window to get to you.
throw rocks outside your window like the movies do
and hope not to get caught until my fingers find your skin.

hello [ ? ]
when in doubt, play.


and today. i restart.
have restarted.
hello. my name is fei.

going to rock it in 10 like it's 09

we all have a story to tell

there's this bridge you build
thinking that it will be your shield,
over those rough river waters,
and when you fall, you falter.

deeper - into something you wish you had kept,
into something you wish you have met.
and when you do, you drown - only for a little while.
and when you rise, you see the world in different eyes


VERY solid question

Monday, June 14, 2010

hey veev.

because i remember you.
not only in my dreams. but in pictures, in words, in letters.
you have remained in me thus far.
and i can do no more right now.
nothing more than to love you from a distance. i try.
with eyes only to speak and ears to only listen.

time has done so much, yet harm so little.

the idea of walking all over us

in this game of hearts and spades, you have to keep some diamonds in your clubs.
without a doubt.
because the stakes are always too high.

set this soul free; into the fire and bathe me in the water.
baptise me into the new and be done with the old.
allow my eyes to be unscaled & touched, to see light in its new skin.

wash me under rain. under it's pureness. in all its natural being and take me into the sun.
while your winds whisper secretly.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

and there stands silent. cold. untouched.
among these crowds. among the songs. among the praise.
your heart has turned to stone.
and your lips can utter no more.
you are like the dead among the living.

time to seek out life

Saturday, June 12, 2010

of a promise

like kings and queens, we'll conquer one city at a time.
before the end of our time, the globe would be ours.
and for the very last city, we will lay our rest - in our hearts.
and find the last kingdom of Heaven to find our peace.

like kings and queens.

the dreams we once had

if you remain stagnant, in the midst of life, you will see things decay.
you will think that it is your surroundings that decay before you,
but it is truly your eyes which see itself rot.
and your mind will tell you that you all sorts; blame all kinds.

we must move. and always move.

Friday, June 11, 2010

because we are boring.

if i could do it all over again.
i'd choose you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

the fabrication of ideals.

every time before i sleep,
i fabricate the notion that you'll love me until the day i cease to exist.
and that helps me sleep.


to know, to wonder, to feel, to understand, to embrace, to experience, to utter, and to be in are all different perspectives altogether.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

like the dust to the sky ,
stars become the lamp post to our ends.
like rainbows on rain,
they are all signs and wonders unseen.

like you and i,
mysteries question themselves; without answering why.

the idea of death

the idea of living is to prolong the coming of death with things and events to keep us busy.
until death finally comes by.

keep busy.

house of homes.

engraved are things you never knew could be placed unto stone.
but with fire and water, you make carvings which go deeper than your very own.
and to which hearts that bleed and wait such a delicate soul,
you sing the songs of angels who dwell in the house of homes.

Monday, June 7, 2010

i think once u start digging deeper into it, you start to see things you didn't expect to see.
and then you decide, you'd rather cover the holes.
i live in your letters. in your words. in the fullstops, commas and pauses.
in the stars, the paper and all that is in between.
it's like everytime you write, you come home.
with a little less of something, we could all use a little more.
but with too much, let's do with less.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

before your world starts to crumble before your very eyes,
maybe it's time you close them

Saturday, June 5, 2010

i think the insults you hurl at people are reflections of how you fear yourself to be on the inside.
or is it something you're lacking ?
or is it something you're still insecure about ?

all of the above?

into your lover's eyes

i think when you look into their eyes, you are forced to stay there.
to cover every detail of the iris; texture, colour and story.
for their eyes have seen many things, told many stories, and lived many events.
all to which you never ever got to experience with,

and now, that you are locked into their eyes
you have become their story. trapped in the iris.
waiting to be told over and over again.

Friday, June 4, 2010

you are found in the flowers and meadows,
in the rivers and lakes,
by the mountains and the clouds.

all between the static and all that is shaken.
you are a force, a source of energy ;
to when dormant and even in motion, you are life.

you are the rainbows in this sky.
between 7 colours, you are the 8th.
and between light, a course of shadows with your very own colour.

you are all that you are;
unique in your being and outstanding in your presence.
if you woke up and forgot who you are,
read your yesterday and pick up your old photographs.

it's simple.
just take my hand.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

these are my hands. stained.
my feet. sore.
my arms. weak.
my legs. failing.
my body. heavy.

this is my heart. strong.
my spirit. willing.
my soul. set-free.
my mind. resilient.

you are everything i want and need.
everything i cannot have and keep.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the problem we are today

sometimes, it is just too predictable.
the movies, the novels, the books have all shaped the way you're suppose to act, feel and respond.

it shapes you to believe in what you should - thinking that it is what it is.
you're a mere reflection of what's already been written.

i for that matter, choose to re-write you, romance, and redefine you, love.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

we see mirror images but distinctly refuse to acknowledge the one true image.

we both see two separate beings, but seem to love one and hate the other.
who are you in love with ?
the image, or the figure ?

it's good to ask yourself these questions.
and it's good to question : who of these two do you know ?
the image ? or the person ?

this is because they are both totally different people.
love is at work when the strong pick up the weak.